Reality check

Vous vous demandez encore si ou comment vos informations de navigation sont enregistrées et partagées sur le Web ? Je vous recommande la lecture de cet excellent article de Farhad Manjoo intitulé : I Visited 47 Sites. Hundreds of Trackers Followed Me. Il présente les résultats d’une étude menée par le Times’s Privacy Project ayant lieu plus tôt cet été :

What did we find? The big story is as you’d expect: that everything you do online is logged in obscene detail, that you have no privacy. And yet, even expecting this, I was bowled over by the scale and detail of the tracking; even for short stints on the web, when I logged into Invasive Firefox just to check facts and catch up on the news, the amount of information collected about my endeavors was staggering.

Un exemple :

This tracker for received my almost exact location as latitude and longitude — about a quarter mile off from my actual location. Several other trackers gathered information about where I was, including my city, state, country and zip code. They base this off my IP address, so I had no chance to opt-out. They use the data to conduct targeted advertising but can also use it to track where I’m moving and build a more detailed picture of my interests and activities.

Alors soyez avertis, sueur froides dans le dos assurées. Car il n’y a rien d’innocent dans la publicité ciblée, lorsqu’on pense aux dernières élections américaines et l’implication de Facebook.

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